What is Par Divus?
/‘pär dēvoo/
What is Par Divus? Par Divus is a latin saying that means equal to God. Not God in the traditional or religious sense. But God in the way that I define it.
To me, a God is someone who totally and fully accepts themselves as who they are. They don't change or adjust themselves to fit into society's expectations of how someone should act. They're artists, creators, dreamers, inventors.
They may be a little crazy to the normies. But fuck the normies, they don't invent or create. They follow and acquiesce. We are the pushers of culture. We don't go with or against the stream. We create the fucking stream. And that's who I create for.
My decision to start this brand had absolutely nothing to do with making money or hyperproducing bull shit quality t-shirts. I wanted to create high quality fabrics that make people proud to wear them. I want people who were afraid to be their weird selves to come out and scream: "I'm me! I'm not who you want me to be or need me to be. I'm fucking me. And I'm proud to be me."
So, every fucking shirt I create, is designed with my fucking soul. And I know that will resonate with people like me.